It has been a long time since I last posted a blog entry here at "Fishing With Dad" and I have really missed all the fishing action... I have even been bouncing around the idea of selling my G3 1860 DLX... Yes, but I am not certain that I want to do this big move. Oh well, I guess I will make my decision by March 2015.
My good fishing partner, Josh Kreider, has his new "Rock Proof Boat" now in hand. All that he needs to do is add the trolling motor and electronics. It should be ready to go by this coming weekend... And there are areas of the river available to fish upon.
Here are several pictures of his new "Rock Proof Boat"...
Isn't she a beaut! I teased Josh that everyone who he knows now wants to go fishing with him even non-fishermen... His Facebook page has been buzzing with excitement with those asking questions about his new jet rig. I can remember how exciting it was when I built the "Barge II" back in 2001... I was able to get everything I ever wanted built into that rig. It ran over $20,000 and that was 13 years ago... A boat like mine would sell for well over $25,000 today according to JC Nuss at Lakeside Marine in Harrisburg, Pa.
Josh told me that he will have his rig on the water by this coming weekend... Looking forward to it!
On Saturday, March 14, 2015, Herschel Finch, a good friend from Virginia, will be traveling to Lancaster, Pa. to bring his wife to the "Quilting Convention" in Lancaster. Julie and I are getting our taxes done early on Saturday morning and once I return Julie home, I will be meeting Herschel at the "Susquehanna Fishing Tackle" shop.
It's been quite a few years since I've last seen Herschel. We used to do a lot of kayak fishing together back before I had my hand/wrist and elbow surgeries. I am now looking forward to seeing him once again... As long as all goes well and they make the trip north.
Please keep my wife, Julie, in your prayers as she continues to heal from the fall she took back on Sunday January 15, 2014. She had two plates placed in her right lower leg that Sunday... One plate on each bone in her shin. She currently is wearing a purple cast and walking with a "Knee Walker/Scooter". Julie cannot place any of her weight on her right leg for at least six weeks and it could take up to six months to completely heal. That is an awfully long time to be tied up. I hope that she'll be able to use the swimming pool during the hotter months for her rehabilitation.
I have been currently caring for the household... Shopping, groceries, laundry, and all meals. She can still get to the computer to keep our finances in order.. Thank goodness! She will not be able to drive until she can place pressure on her right leg... This may be quite some time until she can get behind the wheel of our car/truck again.
Tomorrow, after PT, I will be heading north to Keller Brothers Ford of Lititz, Pa. A couple of weeks ago, I was removing ice from the front windshield of the new Mustang and I scraped the paint along the edge of the front hood... UGH! I was so upset with myself. So, tomorrow, they will tell me what we will need to do to correct this problem. We do have insurance to cover any dings, scratches, or dents... We took this special insurance out the very day we bought the vehicle just for things like this! I am hoping that they can make my Mustang like new again... Please, God! :)
Spring is coming soon. Trout are being stocked in over 23 streams and one lake here locally. The ice on the river is slowly breaking up and the river is on a slow rise... This slow thaw is perfect for not allowing flooding to occur.
I cannot wait to get back on the water for my 54th year of fishing! Spring and Fall are my two favorite times to go fishing... Although, I will fish anytime, anywhere!
Take Care and Be Safe!