Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dad's "2014 Pool Opening"

Hello Folks,

We've had a very cool and wet Spring this year. The weather has been too cool to go swimming before now. We finally had a Spring day that reached 93 degrees. That is the hottest that it has been. Most of our warmer days have been in the mid-80s.

This Sunday, after our Monday Memorial Day Family Picnic, we decided to work together to remove the pool cover and get the cleaning process started. Below are the first three full days of cleaning and prepping for the swimming season. You will see the algae start to dissipate and the pool will become crystal clear by the third full day...

Opening Day  - June 1, 2014
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Full Day 1  - June 2, 2014
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Full Day 2  - June 3, 2014
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Full Day 3  - June 4, 2014
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The pool was relatively clear of algae this year. I can remember when we had one terrible year because we failed to have the closing crew put the correct amount of chlorine in the pool. It looked like a Floridian Swamp in the Spring when we opened it.

Normally, it takes about three good days of weather and proper chemicals to get the 25,000 gallon pool to a point where we can swim. This year seems like one of the good years... Thank goodness.

We have only ten days left for the Bass Season to reopen on the Lower Susquehanna River b/w Sunbury, Pa. to The Holtwood Dam, Pa.... June 14, 2014!

Take Care and Be Safe