Hello Folks,
I have been keeping close track on several fishing buddies who are starting to get their jet rigs out and on the cold water of the Susquehanna River. About a week or so ago, my friends Jeff B. (CHRGD) and his wife, Penny, were on the river for their very first late winter outing. Although they didn't catch any smallmouth bass during that outing, they did run across a local guide who had been able to catch a few.
Over the past few days, our fishing friend and local guide, Joe Raymond (Rooster), has been getting time on the Susquehanna River. The west bank has some open water that is providing fishing opportunities. Joe has been able to catch a few healthy smallmouth bass on jerkbaits and tubes. Today, he had our global traveling fishing buddy, Doug Knepp, on board as a guest. Doug often travels to Brazil to fish the Amazon River for the beautiful Peacock Bass. He has also has done trips to Alaska for fly fishing adventures. If you are interesting in such adventures, I would suggest you contact him for details.
I was in touch today with bass fishing guide, Lance Dunham, from Bradford County and the North Branch of the Susquehanna River. Lance drove over the North Branch today and reported that the river was iced in, shoreline to shoreline. He told me that his first guide charter will be on April 1, 2014. He avoids chartering trips in March because of poor weather situations like we are currently facing this season.
Weather reports for this coming weekend are showing a gradual rise of temperatures into the 40s. Hopefully, a sign of the arrival of Spring. This weekend we will also be greeting daylight savings time (DST). This is when we "leap ahead" one hour early Sunday morning. Another Spring sign my wife and I saw today in Willow Street were a group of migrating red breast robins playing on a local front yard along Rt. 272 S. We do have small groups of year-round robins locally. But this was a much larger grouping of migrating robins.... A good Spring sign.
Although I only ran my G3 about five times last season, I plan to take my rig to Lakeside Marine to have my water filter replaced and the yearly motor oil changed. I may also have them go over my trailer with a fine tooth comb. The last thing I need is for me to have a trailer related problem as I am still recovering from my December spinal fusion.
I have not heard from Josh Kreider (Smallieman) yet this week. Josh is suppose to be checking in with his boss to be sure he can take off in mid-April for our fishing trip to the North Branch of the Susquehanna River. We have not been able to get to the North Branch since before 2011 when I had my left knee replaced. So much "fracking" was taking place back then that we were having a difficult time finding available and affordable lodging. But work on "fracking" has slowed down considerably and we should be able to find a room at a decent rate this spring.
As I upload some current pics from my friends who are now out and fishing on the Susquehanna River, I'll try to post them here at "Fishing With Dad".
Joe (Rooster) Raymond on the Susquehanna River... "Face Off"... Open water at ice edge.
Take Care and Be Safe!
The Walleye Fisherman That I'll never forget...
5 years ago