Jeff B. (CHRGD) and his wife, Penny (The Queen Of The Susquehanna River), went fishing the day after we got the proverbial "skunk" on Thursday at Long Level.
We had several choices to take after we realized that Lake Aldred was so low that we couldn't launch. I guess we would have done better if we would have taken Option 2 over Option 1... LOL! Why? Because Jeff and Penny ended up with 11 smallmouth bass with the biggest going about 17-18"... They fared well under the conditions.
Jeff was tossing a spinnerbait with chartreuse blades and skirt and I'm assuming Penny was tossing a plastic.
Here are a couple of pictures that they sent to me on Friday... Enjoy!
You can see from the above pictures that there was a blue bird sky once again and the air temperature was in the upper 70s. The water temperature was holding around 67 degrees and the water was clearer than the conditions we faced the day before.
The bass were active... Fall is upon us!
Our good friends Joe Raymond and Seth Schrott were fishing north of Harrisburg yesterday and caught a few nice healthy smallmouth.
Joe Raymond's Porker
Seth Schrott Healthy Smallie
It looks like this past rain we had is turning these buggers on. We could use some more rain. In fact, the weather service is calling for more rain this afternoon with high wind warnings... Oh Boy!
Last Evening... B.A.S.S. Pro Pete Gluzsek visited the Susquehanna Fishing Tackle and gave a seminar on his recent win on Cayuga Lake, NY. in the B.A.S.S. Northern Open. It's always a pleasure to sit and listen to Pete talk about bass fishing, in general. He shared his winning methods on Cayuga Lake with approximately thirty lucky fellow bass anglers. Some who had traveled from New Jersey and Baltimore, md. to hear what he had to say.
A big thanks to both Pete and SFT for providing such an enriching bass fishing experience for the price of... FREE!
Pete Gluzsek's win on Cauyga Lake, NY
Please keep in mind that Pete and Mike Iaconelli also run the Bass University which is a seminar series that meets in several locations throughout the USA. The nearest Bass University seminar to us in Pennsylvania is
Oaks, Pa., February 16, 2013 - February 17, 2013.
The Bass University
Take Care and Be Safe!