February 2012 reminded me mostly of March-type weather. We had rain and a few snow flurries, but we definitely had the wind. In fact, Jeff told me that he and Penny took two rollers over the bow as they were running on Lake Aldred this past weekend.
Despite Jeff's attempts to entice a smallmouth to strike a tube, jerkbait, and even live "minnies", he could not find any takers.
Penny, however, was able to land three smallies all in the 16" range. Good job, Penny!
You can see how choppy the water is behind Penny on the above photos. Typically, the areas we fish are relatively calm.
Check out this video that Jeff sent me. Have you ever seen an eagle swim?
Wasn't that a cool video! I have never, in my entire life, seen anything like it.
Josh and I will be heading north tomorrow to try our luck. I'll be taking my camera along in hopes of capturing a few good pics of pre-spawn smallmouth. It was about this time last year that we started to get into some decent fish. Hopefully, the fish will be hungry and active.
I'll be getting up around 4:30 am to be at his home by 6:00 am. We plan to stop at our favorite greasy spoon before hitting the water.
Afterward, Josh will be dropping his jet rig off at Lakeside Marine for it's annual oil change and check up. As I mentioned in an earlier blog, it is important for four stroke motor owners to have the oil changed at least once a year. Throughout the season, we should be checking the level to be sure that the motor is okay.
Next Tuesday, I'll be heading into the hospital for a second attempt at freeing up my left knee. This will be the very first time my surgeon has attempted a "second" manipulation. Hopefully, things go well and we can get this knee to bend further.
My knee was quite inflamed prior to the first manipulation. That swelling has subsided which may give us a better chance at breaking through the scar tissue that is holding my knee from bending fully.
I will keep you all informed as this all develops.