I spent two days at the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show and let me tell you... I'm bushed! I received my third spinal epidural injection in the series of three yesterday. Standing on a hard concrete floor for close to six hours each day just about did me in. I was planning on doing four days, but I just might bypas the last two days until I feel better... Hopefully by next February's ESOS!
On the second day at the ESOS, I left at my usual time, 4:00 pm, to catch the courtesy bus ride back to the Harrisburg, Pa. Bass Pro Shop. It was snowing outside most the day and I'm sure that the traffic had been slowed due to it. We actually waited well over 40 minutes for a bus to arrive to drive us back to the Bass Pro Shop... Simply put, I was a hurting puppy!
My replaced knee, left ankle, and right foot were all aching terribly so. I saw one lone chair in the far corner of the lobby where they had us all standing and waiting in three separate lines. I was going to walk over and grab that chair, drag it back to the line, and seat on it. But instead, I "manned-up" and stayed in line with the rest of the suffering. :)... p.s. I survived.
During the past week, my good friend Jeff B. (CHRGD) has been out fishing with his wife, Penny, and also with my good fishing buddy, John Williams (Re: See Reel Repair and Service blog entries). Jeff sent me some really neat pics from both of those trips and I will share them here with you...
Jeff and Penny Fishing Lake Clarke, Susquehanna River
Jeff wrote to me saying that Penny was using live minnows and he was using a soft plastic grub. The largest smallmouth was an 18" that came off the brown grub slowly jigged on the bottom.
John and Jeff Fishing Lake Clarke, Susquehanna River
What beautiful winter smallies! Look how "thick" some of them look. I guess the winter cuisine of bait fish is rather filling in their slowed metabolic, "cold-water" state.
You can just imagine how cold it was on Jeff, Penny, and John. In fact, Wednesday (February 7, 2012), when John and Jeff were fishing, a rare "Winter of 2011-2012" snow began to fall and we all ended up with about 1.5" of snowfall. I asked Jeff if he had taken any photos while out in the snow storm and he said that he didn't... "Ahhhh, shucks!" What a great pic that would have made... Maybe next time, Jeff!
Here's a pic of Penny holding a 21 inch smallie she caught back in 2011. Jeff had entered this picture in the PFBC "Angler& Boater" magazine picture contest. Well, while fishing with Penny this past Monday, they received a phone call telling them that Penny's picture took "2nd Place" in the statewide picture contest... Cool beans and congratulations to both Penny and Jeff! Keep your eyes peeled for Penny's pic in an upcoming 2012 issue of "Angler & Boater".
In two weeks, I will be having the "Frequency Specific Microcurrent" (FSM) technique used on my scar riddled left knee by Dr. West (anesthesiologist). In fact, Dr. West is heading to Las Vegas next week for a four day seminar on FSM. He told me yesterday that he has a procedure written up on my knee's FSM and knows the frequencies required for the treatment. I asked him to check in and around around the Vegas seminar with those who practice this treatment as to their success with working with scar tissue and knees.
Dr. West also told me that he'll be attending a seminar session covering patients with high pain due to injuries, surgeries, etc. He would fit me into that category and will be listening rather intently to see what is available for patients like experiencing constant pain... I am certainly looking forward to his return and February 23rd when I get my first FSM treatment... More to come on this topic!
Take Care and Be Careful!