Post spawn is in full swing. I've been out twice this week with the biggest smallie measuring only 17 inches. A cold front moved in today and Zach and I thought we would try our luck to see if we could time it right.
What we found was that only the smaller fish were hitting.
The air temp on the way to the ramp at 6:45 am. was only 61 degrees. We came off the water at noon and the air temp had only risen to 65 degrees.
The water temperature held steady throughout the day at 70 degrees which is a drop of approximately 4 degrees since Tuesday... Not good with a cold front approaching.
The rain held off until 10:30 am. A light drizzle accompanied by a strong southern wind began and held on for about 20 minutes. It was just enough to make us don our rain gear to stay dry. Showers resumed later at 11:50 am. The second round of showers came on heavier and lasted for an extended period of time. We were already i the process of stowing gear for the ride back to the ramp and glad that we had our rain gear on.
We did find fish, but they were all in the 12 to 14" range... Nothing to write home about. Some were immature bass that were feeding. The big mommas seem to be in the "Post Spawn Blues" and hanging low.
The Safe Harbor Dam was producing a lot of electricity today. There were four generators pushing water through the turbines at a high volume. It was virtually impossible to stay just below the dam and fish today due to the very heavy current.
That suited us just fine as we negotiated the "Rock Garden" in search of bass.
Zach coaxed this feisty smallie into hitting his 1/2 oz. chartreuse bladed spinnerbait.
This little guy came to hand after attacking my 3/8th oz. Big O "Ugly Bait" (Firetiger).
As you can see, these were not the monster fish that we were catching in early Spring during pre-spawn and staging. There are some larger fish being caught north of us, but Safe Harbor seems to be rather slow right now.
I never get too concerned because I know that this "Post Spawn Blues" will only hang around for a few weeks and then slowly leave us for summertime bassin'.
Update: Thirty years ago, I had injured my left knee during a Judo competition. That injury resulted in the reconstruction on my left knee by Dr. James O'Neil.
Fast Forward 30 Years: On March 10, 2011, Dr. Tymon x-rayed my knees and determined that my left knee was definitely in trouble. He gave me a cortisone shot and asked me to keep him informed.
Well, the injection took hold in about a week, but only lasted for about a month... Not Good! Success is usually gauged by a six month period of relief.
Therefore, I contacted Dr. Tymon's office and set up a second appointment which took place yesterday. After reviewing the results of the cortisone shot and re-checking the previous x-ray, Dr. Tymon asked me how I felt about a total knee replacement.
I told him that I would rather do it now while I'm relatively young and healthy. He agreed.
I am now scheduled for a total knee replacement of my left knee on July 26, 2011.
My wife and I will be on vacation the week prior to the surgery... Good timing.
The surgeon's office arranged my pre-op lab work and EKG today. If all goes well, I'll be sporting a new knee by the end of next month. I'll be "home bound" for a two week period afterward. The physical therapist and a visiting nurse will come to my home for aftercare.
As time goes on and if things go well, the knee will feel and perform better day by day... Oh, Boy!
Col. Steve Austin (The Six Million Dollar Man) will have nothing on me! :)
Take Care and Be Safe!