Sunday, May 18, 2014

Several Inches of Rain Fell... (05/18/14)

Hello Folks,

We have had a tremendous amount of rain fall this past week, especially in the northern tier of Pennsylvania and along the border of lower New York State. The Susquehanna River has been on the rise all the way up and down the Susquehanna River Basin. We've actually crested out at Harrisburg, Pa.'s NOAA predictor gauge already and the river level is subsiding. My own personal problem is... It will still be too high for us to take Dell Jackson's jet rig out tomorrow for it's maiden 2014 run on the river. This is our second attempt that has been postponed in the past two weeks!

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My middle brother, Jim, took the below video and sent it to me today. He and a few friends were riding on a bike trail along the eastern shoreline of the Susquehanna River in Lancaster County. That bike trail is being extended from Columbia, Pa. all the way to Falmouth, Pa. Work is currently in progress. In fact, there will be a brand new visitor center at the Columbia Boat Launch when all is said and done. The building of that visitor's center is currently in progress.

There are some very nice things happening along the eastern shoreline of Lancaster County over the next few years. Keep your eyes and ears open for what is taking place... Access to the beautiful Susquehanna River!

As you can see from the video above, the river's water level is settling into the parking lot of the Falmouth Launch.

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The York Haven Power Plant lies just across the river from the PFBC Falmouth Launch along the West Shore, York County.

Be extremely careful out there over the next few days. I usually don't go back out onto the Susquehanna River in my jet rig until the river starts to fall below the 7' level at the Harrisburg, Pa. NOAA gauge. When I would fish from my kayak, I normally wouldn't yak fish in the river until it fell below the 5' level. I have seen a lot more fellows adventuring onto the river in their yaks at much higher stages. These anglers are usually the more experienced kayak anglers who will jump from shoreline eddy to shoreline eddy in order to catch smallmouth that are being push into the banks from the high water event.

Take Care and Be Safe!